Water utility hydrant flushing

Water Utility

The City of Cedarburg residents and businesses use over 450 million gallons of water each year. Water is vital to our community and we are fortunate in Cedarburg to have a high-quality water supply. One of our priorities is protecting this natural resource!

Water CrewThere are five deep wells in Cedarburg reaching down to the Niagara-Plattville-Trenten aquifers. Water pumped from those depths comes out nice and cold; about 52 degrees year 'round. The water is treated and tested regularly to ensure Cedarburg residents and businesses continue to receive a safe and plentiful water supply.  We recently removed the iconic 1950s era water tower on Western Avenue, check out the video and time lapse versions of the demolition!

We are your local utility, right here in Cedarburg.