We are pleased to be your local utility provider. Whether you need new service, are moving out of town, or reporting a street light issue, you can find the form you need below. Have questions? Give us a call at 262-375-7650.
Apply for Utility Service
Welcome to Cedarburg! To apply for service (at an existing address), you can call our office, or you can complete the New Customer Application.
Temporarily Change Mailing Address
If you want your utility bill (temporarily) sent to an address that is different than your service address, you can call our office at 262-375-7650 or you can complete the Change of Address form. Don't forget to contact us when you want your mailing address changed back to your service address.
Discontinue Service
If you are moving out of the Cedarburg Light & Water Utility area and need to close your account with us, you can call our office or you can complete the Request to Discontinue Service form.
Report Street Light Outage
We appreciate your assistance in making Cedarburg a safer place for pedestrians, traffic and the community. If you see a street light problem, you can call our office to report the problem, or you can submit the Street Light Outage form. Our electric crew typically repairs lights on Fridays, or every 5 business days.