Report an Outage

Our electric and water crews can be reached 24/7 for your electrical or water needs.  

Regular Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone:  262-375-7650.

After Hours: To report an electrical power outage, flickering lights, downed power lines, or other urgent electrical problems at your home or business, call our main phone number 262-375-7650 and follow the prompts to be connected to the after-hours dispatch center for assistance.  Cedarburg Police Department will no longer be taking utility calls after hours.

To report urgent problems with water service such as a broken water main, loss of water service, or other emergency water issues, call 262-375-7650 and follow the prompts to be connected to the after-hours dispatch center for assistance.  Cedarburg Police Department will no longer be taking utility calls after hours.