Efficiency Improvement Incentives

Woman in a warehouse looking up inventory on laptop

Focus on Energy is Wisconsin utilities’ statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program. Focus on Energy and Cedarburg Light & Water work together with eligible Wisconsin businesses to install cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.

Whether you’re planning a project or looking for opportunities to reduce energy use, we can provide guidance and technical assistance to help.

The Business Incentive Program serves commercial and industrial customers who have an average electric demand of less than 1,000 kW each month.  The program offers custom and prescriptive incentives on a variety of technologies including lighting, HVAC, refrigeration, process systems, commercial kitchen equipment and more.

To qualify for incentives, businesses should contact Focus on Energy or Cedarburg Light & Water early in the project planning stage. For more information visit Focus on Energy/business.  Find the program that's right for you and start reducing energy waste today!

Contact our Energy Services Manager, Ashley Sonsthagen, at 608-825-1764 to learn more about energy efficiency study grants up to $10,000 available through WPPI, our energy provider.